Remember the Sacrifice, Honor the Legacy

The mission of the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF) is to remember the sacrifices and honor the rich legacy of Marine Scout Snipers built over 105 years of faithful service.
We achieve our mission through research to uncover the forgotten history of Marine Scout Snipers; by positively accounting for those who served as Scout Snipers and gave their lives for their country; and by engaging with and educating all Americans about the important contributions made by Marine Scout Snipers to our nation's defense.
Our most urgent goal is to erect a suitable memorial to honor the memory of U.S. Marine Scout Snipers killed in action since World War I. This Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial will be placed at the National Museum of the Marine Corps outside Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia. Learn more about the Memorial here.
Remembering the Sacrifice
The foundation recognizes the sacrifices made not just by the Scout Snipers but also by their families. Our initiatives are designed to offer support and acknowledgment to the families of these elite warriors, ensuring they receive the honor and recognition they deserve. The memorial serves as a beacon of their loved ones' valor and the foundation's commitment to them.
The Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial will provide a physical place that provides their families a touchstone to their lost loved one.
Honoring the Legacy
The Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation is committed to preserving and celebrating the exceptional legacy, skills, and contributions of Marine Scout Snipers to our nation's history and security. We strive to educate the public on the critical role these elite warriors have played in shaping the battlefield successes of the Marine Corps. Through proactive fundraising and collaboration with government officials, philanthropic individuals, educational institutions, and other like-minded organizations, our goal is to ensure the valor, precision, and spirit of the Scout Sniper community are recognized and remembered. Our efforts extend to supporting the development and enrichment of exhibits, educational programs, and memorials that accurately reflect the profound impact and ongoing importance of Scout Snipers in the Marine Corps' distinguished history and culture.
Educating the Public
Education is a cornerstone of our foundation. Through the memorial and associated initiatives, we aim to illuminate the significant role Marine Scout Snipers have played in defending freedom. The sculpture's site at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park, near the National Museum of the Marine Corps, is chosen for its historical significance and accessibility, ensuring the stories of Scout Snipers reach a broad audience.