• Why is there a Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation?

    The Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF) was founded by the leadership of the USMC Scout Sniper Association (SSA). Since SSA’s leadership is an all-volunteer group of men with day jobs, they determined very quickly that they simply wouldn’t have the ‘bandwidth’ to run the day-to- day operations of the Association while simultaneously trying to create a Scout Sniper War Memorial. In addition, the research eMort that supports the memorial has also been prohibitively labor intensive. In order to take those tasks oM the SSA’s plate, the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation was born in May, 2023.

  • How can I help besides donating?

    Great question, and we appreciate all offers of assistance in accomplishing our mission! There are lots of opportunities to help with fundraising events, helping us connect with key enablers, doing research and many other things! Reach out to us at contact@scoutsniperheritage.org.

  • Once the Scout Sniper War Memorial is built, what’s left to do?

    MSSHF will continue the ongoing mission of uncovering what we refer to as the “lost” history of Marine Scout Snipers. Because of the way the Marine Corps organized and administratively categorized Scout Snipers throughout their 105-year history, there is NO ACCURATE ACCOUNTING of who served as a Marine Scout Sniper. Therefore, we cannot accurately say who was killed in action in the service of our country and deserves to be honored by our memorial. Long after the Scout Sniper War Memorial is built, we will continue our research to gain a final accounting of all Marine Scout Snipers who gave their last full measure, and to educate our fellow Marines and the American public about the extreme sacrifices and other contributions Marine Scout Snipers have made for our Nation’s defense.

  • Where does my money go when I donate to MSSHF?

    Since the leadership of MSSHF is all-volunteer, the vast majority of donations are earmarked specifically for the Scout Sniper War Memorial. The amount spent on overhead is nominal (website, brochures, etc). As we are just beginning our first year of operation in March 2024, we will be providing a fully transparent accounting of donor funds allocation around this time next year.

  • What’s the deal with the Commemorative Brick Program?

    Anyone can purchase a commemorative brick that will be placed at or near the Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial. We hope this will be an opportunity for our fellow Scout Snipers and their families to honor and remember their fallen loved ones, as well as an opportunity for the American public to show their support for America’s Marines who fought and died for their liberty.

  • I just bought a brick. When will it be placed at the Memorial?

    All brick orders must be held until the groundwork for the memorial is physically underway. At that time, an order will be placed for all bricks at once. During construction of the pad upon which our Memorial will sit, all those bricks will be placed in and around the Memorial. You will be notified when that process begins.

  • $500 for a brick? Where does the money go?

    Brick sales are a mechanism to raise funds, so most of the proceeds will help us build the Scout Sniper War Memorial. A very small portion covers the cost of the brick, and the remainder is a required donation to the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation (MCHF). We are required to share a certain amount of the proceeds from brick sales with MCHF because they own the ground upon which our Memorial will sit.

  • Can I join and become a member of MSSHF?

    While we don’t have “members”, we do have a tiered donation structure that allows individuals and companies to join us as supporters at various levels. Please see our donation page, HERE.