Remember the Sacrifice, Honor the Legacy
The mission of the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF) is to remember the sacrifices and honor the rich legacy of Marine Scout Snipers built over 105 years of faithful service.
We achieve our mission through research to uncover the forgotten history of Marine Scout Snipers; by positively accounting for those who served as Scout Snipers and gave their lives for their country; and by engaging with and educating all Americans about the important contributions made by Marine Scout Snipers to our nation's defense.
Our most urgent goal is to erect a suitable memorial to honor the memory of U.S. Marine Scout Snipers killed in action since World War I. This Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial will be placed at the National Museum of the Marine Corps outside Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia. Learn more about the Memorial here.
Remembering the Sacrifice
The foundation recognizes the sacrifices made not just by the Scout Snipers but also by their families. Our initiatives are designed to offer support and acknowledgment to the families of these elite warriors, ensuring they receive the honor and recognition they deserve. The memorial serves as a beacon of their loved ones' valor and the foundation's commitment to them.
The Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial will provide a physical place that provides their families a touchstone to their lost loved one.
Honoring the Legacy
The Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation is committed to preserving and celebrating the exceptional legacy, skills, and contributions of Marine Scout Snipers to our nation's history and security. We strive to educate the public on the critical role these elite warriors have played in shaping the battlefield successes of the Marine Corps. Through proactive fundraising and collaboration with government officials, philanthropic individuals, educational institutions, and other like-minded organizations, our goal is to ensure the valor, precision, and spirit of the Scout Sniper community are recognized and remembered. Our efforts extend to supporting the development and enrichment of exhibits, educational programs, and memorials that accurately reflect the profound impact and ongoing importance of Scout Snipers in the Marine Corps' distinguished history and culture.
Educating the Public
Education is a cornerstone of our foundation. Through the memorial and associated initiatives, we aim to illuminate the significant role Marine Scout Snipers have played in defending freedom. The sculpture's site at the Semper Fidelis Memorial Park, near the National Museum of the Marine Corps, is chosen for its historical significance and accessibility, ensuring the stories of Scout Snipers reach a broad audience.

Adam Blair
Adam Blair grew up on a farm in West Central Minnesota and enlisted in the Marines in 2001 at age 17. He served in a Scout Sniper Platoon from 2002-2006, participating in the invasion of Iraq in 2003 as part of Regimental Combat Team 5. Adam deployed to Iraq again in 2004, participating in the fight to secure Ramadi. Since leaving the Marines, Adam has worked in business sales and development while still being involved with the family farm. He now serves as the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation. Adam and his wife Cassie have been married since 2004 and have four children.
Adam Blair
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Tony Clark
Tony Clark served as a United States Marine, a scout sniper and a scout sniper instructor. After graduating from the 1st Marine Division Scout Sniper Basic Course and Scout Sniper Instructors Course at MCB Quantico, Tony was a scout sniper with STA Platoon, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines. He later served as Chief Scout Sniper and, briefly, as acting platoon sergeant. He was a Scout Sniper Instructor for Class 3-86 and Class 1-87 at 1st Marine Division Schools. Tony is now an Arizona State University professor with a PhD in American Studies. He offers interdisciplinary classes in combat trauma, U.S. military history, and war and popular culture. He also administers the course-embedded Sergeant Major Gilbert Hashmark Johnson Undergraduate Peer Mentoring Collaborative that works with military veteran undergraduates on leveraging their small unit leadership skills as transferable assets during transitions through higher education to second careers. His multidisciplinary research program in military and veteran studies is focused on understanding modern forms of vetphobia and vetphobic microaggressions -- assaults, insults, and/or invalidations that dehumanize, objectify, demean, trivialize, and lampoon military veterans. In the coming 2-3 years, he hopes to launch a Marine scout sniper oral history project that parallels development of the Fallen Marine Scout Sniper War Memorial. Tony has served as Chief Administrative Officer and Vice President of History and Education for USMC Scout Sniper Association since 2022. He now additionally serves as Chief Administrative Officer for Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation.
Tony Clark
Secretary and Chief Administrative Officer
Anthony Cunha
Anthony joined the Marine Corps after graduating high school and was boots on the ground at Parris Island, South Carolina in September 2002. After School of Infantry, he was assigned to 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment in April 2003 and immediately started a work-up for deployment to Afghanistan to help secure the American Embassy there. After that initial deployment, Anthony tried out for the 3/2 STA platoon indoctrination and made the cut. He returned to Afghanistan for another deployment safeguarding the Embassy, this time attached to Lima Co as part of the Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) Platoon. Upon return to stateside, 3/2 immediately began work-up for a deployment to Iraq in 2005. The unit had been part of the initial liberation of Iraq in early 2003. Anthony was stationed out on the Syrian border in the Al Anbar providence of Western Iraq. This time, he was attached to India Company in the small town of Husaybah. His unit conducted combat operations in the immediate area, overseeing the border town, eliminating targets of opportunity from distance, conducting riverine operations to interdict foreign fighters utilizing the Euphrates River, and were a part of Operations Matador and Spear. Anthony returned home from Iraq in late 2005. He stayed in 3/2 for some time after to help train the new platoon and exited the Marine Corps in 2006. Anthony lives in Atlanta, GA with his wife and two daughters. He now works in property management and serves as an assistant coach in softball and head coach in soccer for his girls. Anthony is honored to serve on this board and work towards building a monument to memorialize all fallen Marine Corps Scout Snipers. Semper Fi!
Anthony Cunha
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Tim Parkhurst
Tim Parkhurst is founding president of the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF), the organization charged with remembering the many sacrifices and honoring the 105-plus year legacy of Marine Scout Snipers. He previously served as a director at USMC Scout Sniper Association (SSA) for six years, and as its president for more than four years. Tim originally hails from Kansas City, growing up in a military family with a strong legacy of service. After graduating from the Marine Military Academy in 1986, Tim (naturally) chose to become a Marine and began a 25-year career spanning four wars, service in all four Marine Divisions and with some of the most storied units in the Corps. While Tim served as a Scout Sniper for only a few short years as a young NCO, that experience laid the foundation upon which his career was built. Tim and Leony, his wife of 32 years, now call western North Carolina home and enjoy keeping up with their two grown daughters and three grandchildren. Since retiring from active service in 2014, Tim has worked with several non-profit veteran organizations in all-volunteer capacities. He eventually “came home” to the Scout Sniper community in 2018 and made great strides in improving corporate governance and increasing the charitable capacity of SSA. In mid-2021, Tim and another director had a conversation that proved to be the genesis of the Scout Sniper War Memorial concept and the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation. It was pointed out that no memorial exists anywhere in the world specifically to honor Marine Scout Snipers killed in action in service to our nation. Since SSA is the only non-profit membership organization for Marine Scout Snipers in the world, Tim and the rest of SSA’s leadership team felt it was incumbent upon them to do something about it. After much discussion, it was determined that SSA’s all-volunteer board of directors simply wouldn’t have the bandwidth necessary to do justice to the scope of work required to build a world-class memorial. And so, Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation was born. Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation is a fully-independent subsidiary of USMC Scout Sniper Association with its own leadership, tax exemption, revenue and banking. Founded in May 2023, MSSHF received its 501(c)3 designation a mere four days after making application to the IRS. While the SSA board of directors led MSSHF in its infancy, Tim Parkhurst was appointed its founding president in January 2024 and was charged with recruiting a talented group of volunteers to serve as Directors. A fully functional, independent board of directors was appointed in March 2024. MSSHF continues to make great strides toward our goal of creating a world-class memorial to honor our war dead, and the ongoing mission to “Remember the Sacrifice and Honor the Legacy”.
Tim Parkhurst
President and Chief Executive Officer
Gunner Alex Carrillo
Alex Carrillo is a founding director of the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF). He is also charter member of the USMC Scout Sniper Association (SSA) and has worked with various veteran focused organizations in the past including being a Veterans Services Officer (VSO) for the State of Nevada. Alex grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin, and entered service in 1991 beginning a 27 year career in the Marine Corps. Alex graduated Scout Sniper School in 1993 and went on to serve as a Scout Sniper in three infantry battalions holding every billet from point man to Platoon Sergeant. Alex also served as the Staff Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge (SNCOIC) and Chief Instructor of the Marine Corps Mountain Scout Sniper Course (MSSC) at the Marine Corps Mountain Warfare Training Center (MWTC), Bridgeport, California. In 2018 after 27 years of service, 11 deployments, and over 100 firefights in foreign lands, Alex retired as a Marine Gunner (which he considers the pinnacle of the Infantryman’s craft). Upon retirement, Alex and his wife Amber settled at their home in northern Nevada where they keep busy tending their livestock, packing into the Eastern Sierra mountains in the summer, and running firearms and saddlery businesses.
Gunner Alex Carrillo
USMC (Ret)
Col Gregory Jones
Colonel Gregory L. Jones, USMC (Ret) is a graduate of The Citadel and a career infantry officer. He served in both 1st and 2nd Marine Divisions, Indo-PACOM, Marine Corps Recruiting Command, and Training Command. He is a graduate of the Infantry Captains Career Course, Marine Corps Command and Staff College, and the Air War College. Col Jones’ command assignments included: Platoon Commander, Lima Company, V36 (22d MEU-SOC); Company Commander, Headquarters Company, 6th Marines; Company Commander, Alpha Company, V17 (OIF); Commanding Officer, Recruiting Station Cleveland, Ohio; Commanding Officer, Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry-East; Commanding Officer, Headquarters Battalion, 2d Marine Division; Commanding Officer, Weapons Training Battalion, Quantico, VA. Col Jones’ staff assignments included: Officer Candidates School (various billets); Assistant Operations Officer, V17 (OIF); Operations Officer, V17 (OIF); Executive Officer, Detachment 2, Joint POW-MIA Accounting Command (stationed in Hanoi, Vietnam); Operations Officer, 8th Marines; Operations Officer, Task Force South West 18.2 (OEF); Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff G-3, 2d Marine Division; Assistant Chief of Staff G-3, 2d Marine Division; Chief of Staff, 2d Marine Division. Colonel Jones’ personal awards include the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal (Gold Star in Lieu of Second Award), Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (Gold Star in Lieu of Fourth Award), Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Gold Star in Lieu of Second Award), Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, and the Combat Action Ribbon. Recently retired from military service, Col Jones now works as the Chief Operating Officer of G-Code Tactical, a tactical holster and equipment company. G-Code is a veteran owned, small business that operates out of Burgaw, NC. Col Jones also recently accepted a position on the Board of Directors for Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation. Colonel Jones is married to his wife of 26 years, Nikki, and has three children.
Col Gregory Jones
USMC (Ret)
Steven Norton
Steven Norton is a founding member of the Marine Scout Sniper Heritage Foundation (MSSHF) and currently serves as the Director of Archival Research. Steven served in the Marines as an 0311 Rifleman and currently resides in Ohio with his two teenage sons. After his discharge, Steven developed a profound passion for Marine Corps history as a way to maintain a connection to the community. Over the past two decades, he has conducted extensive research at various Regional and National Archival locations across the country, compiling a significant portfolio of Marine Corps research primarily aimed at historical weapons of the Corps, but also covering the men, units, training and employment spanning more than a century of Marine Corps history. His goal is to establish a digital archive to facilitate wider access and education. In addition to his archival efforts, Steven is actively seeking Marines who have preserved personal documentation from their time in service. If you have documents or photographs that could enrich the history of the Scout Snipers, please feel free to email him via the provided link.
Steven Norton
Director of Archival Research
Col Kevin Root
Kevin Root is a native of Binghamton, NY and enlisted in the Marine Corps in October 1989. He attended 2d Marine Division Scout Sniper School in 1992 while assigned to 2d Marines Regimental Scout Platoon. He was honorably discharged as an infantryman and scout sniper in 1993. He graduated from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1997 and was commissioned in the Marine Corps in April of 1998. He attended The Basic School, Infantry Officer Course, Military Intelligence Officer Basic Course, Airborne, Military Free-Fall, Multi-Mission Parachute Course, Marine Combatant Diver Course, Command and General Staff College, Johns Hopkins University-School of Advanced International Studies, and the Joint and Combined Warfighting School - National Defense University. His service in the Operating Forces included: Battalion S-2 and HQ Battery Commander, 2d Bn, 11th Marines (June 1998-1999); Platoon Commander, 1st Reconnaissance Bn (June 1999-April 2002) (31st MEU); G-2 Operations Officer, 1st Marine Division (Jan 2004 – June 2005) (OIF); Company Commander, 3rd Reconnaissance Bn (June 2005-June 2008) (OIF); Regimental Combat Team S-2, RCT 7 (June 2012-June 2014) (OEF); Battalion Commander, 1st Reconnaissance Bn (June 2016-June 2018); and Commanding Officer, I MEF Information Group (July 2021-August 2023). His service outside the Operating Forces included: Director, Enlisted Training, Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center (April 2002-June 2005); Chief, Collections Operation Division and J-2 Aide, USSOUTHCOM (June 2008-June 2011); G-2 Operations Officer, I MEF (June 2014-June 2016); Director, Commandant’s Staff Group (June 2019-June 2020); and AC/S G-5, Training and Education Command (June 2020-2021). His operational experience included OPERATION DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM, OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM 04, 05-07.2 and 06-08.1 (Counter-insurgency operations- Ramadi, Fallujah and Karmah, Iraq), and OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM 12.1 through 13.1 (Counter insurgency operations – Helmand Province, Afghanistan). Kevin retired from the Marine Corps in December 2023. He assumed his current position as Deputy Commander, Marine Corps Intelligence Schools in Dec 2024. Kevin has been married for over 30 years and has two adult children.
Col Kevin Root
USMC (Ret)
Col Jack C. Cuddy
Col Jack Cuddy was instrumental in the formation of the modern, post-Vietnam Scout Sniper program at Quantico, Virginia. As a young captain, he served as the original Officer-In-Charge of Scout Sniper Instructor School in 1977, working with legendary scout sniper Carlos Hathcock to create and administer scout sniper training. Col Cuddy later returned to Quantico as the Commanding Officer of Weapons Training Battalion.
Col Jack C. Cuddy
USMC (Ret)
MSgt John A. Dailey
John Dailey left his home in West Virginia at seventeen to join the Marines, which led to a military career of over twenty years. He began that career as an infantryman, eventually becoming a Scout Sniper and rising to become Chief Scout for his battalion. As a Platoon Sergeant in the Marine Corps’ 1st Force Reconnaissance Company on deployment in Australia on September 11th, 2001, he and his men soon found themselves in Afghanistan battling the Taliban. In 2003 he was selected to serve as a team leader in the first Marine Corps unit assigned to US Special Operations Command - Detachment 1. Det-1’s 2004 Iraq deployment solidified the Marine Corps’ place in special operations and led to the formation of the Marine Special Operations Command (MARSOC). John received his MFA in creative writing from the University of North Carolina–Wilmington in 2018. John continues to train Marine Raiders and provides leadership training and performance coaching through his company, Walking Point LLC. He lives in Hubert, North Carolina, with his wife, Tracy.
MSgt John A. Dailey
USMC (Ret)
Brian Herbulis
For nearly 17 years, Brian Von Herbulis led and supported scout sniper, reconnaissance, and special operations units while serving as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. In 1999, he graduated from the Marine Corps Scout Sniper School at Camp Pendleton, CA. He was an original member of the U.S. Marine Corps Forces Special operations Command and the first Marine Special Operations Officer to command two special operations companies in combat. After relinquishing command of the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, 1st Marine Division, in 2014, he retired from active military service as a Lieutenant Colonel. Since retiring from active military service, Brian has become a successful entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, and non-profit executive. He has optimized the performance of individuals and businesses across various industries, including startups, non-profits, and well-established corporations. Brian earned a bachelor’s degree from Hampden-Sydney College, a master’s degree in business administration from Boise State University, and a certificate in executive leadership coaching from Georgetown University. He is also a President George W. Bush Veteran Leadership Scholar. Brian is a dedicated family man and avid outdoorsman. He enjoys spending his free time backpacking, camping, hunting, fishing, snowboarding, and climbing mountains. He currently resides in Eagle, ID, with his family.
Brian Herbulis
USMC (Ret)
Col Craig S. Kozeniesky
Craig Kozeniesky is a native of New Mexico, graduating from New Mexico Military Institute and the University of New Mexico. He served in the US Marine Corps from 1988 to 2016, is a combat veteran of Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan and retired as a Colonel. The hallmark of his service was leadership and command in USMC infantry, reconnaissance, and joint special operations units. He was a foreign exchange officer with the British Royal Marine Commandos and the Norwegian Army. He is a plank owner of the USMC Initial Force Contribution to U.S. Special Operations Command, Marine Corps SOCOM Detachment ONE (Det ONE), leading ‘Task Unit Raider’ in Baghdad in 2004. He commanded 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, deploying twice to the western Pacific and to Ar Ramadi, Iraq for OIF during the ‘Anbar Awakening’ in 2007 Surge. As Commanding Officer of Camp Fuji, Japan, he led ‘Task Force Fuji’ in disaster relief operations at the Sendai Airport as part of Operation Tomodachi from March to April 2011 in response to the earthquake and tsunami. Craig has worked in the private sector, at the Nevada Secretary of State Office as the Deputy Secretary for Operations, and in U.S. government contracting. He has been Vice President of Development for PrairieFire, a start-up in the shooting sports, training, and destinations sectors. He was most recently the CEO of USA Shooting. In 2024 he was inducted into the US Special Operations Command Commando Hall of Honor and the New Mexico Military Institute Hall of Fame. Craig is active in supporting hunting and veterans outreach non-profit organizations. He and his wife of 36 years reside in Colorado Springs, CO.
Col Craig S. Kozeniesky
USMC (Ret)
SgtMaj Bryan Zickafoose
Sergeant Major Zickefoose, a native of the Midwest, graduated from Millard North High School in 1985 and served in the United States Marine Corps for 36 years. In addition to numerous military schools he is also a graduate of the Basic Airborne Course, Scout Sniper Course, Noncommissioned Officer’s Course, Career Course, SNCO Advanced Course, and Joint Enlisted Professional Military Education (Keystone). Sergeant Major Zickefoose is an Infantryman and has served in every U.S. Marine Corps infantry billet from Rifleman to Senior Enlisted Advisor. He has deployed 11 times and has served in numerous combat engagements in Somalia, Kosovo, Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom. He has also served in the Marine Security Forces, as a Drill Instructor, Sergeant Instructor at Officer Candidate’s School, Chief Instructor/Staff Noncommissioned Officer-in-Charge of the Scout Sniper Instructor School, and on recruiting duty. As a Noncommissioned Officer, he served in 3d Battalion, 9th Marines during Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Restore Hope, and numerous Joint Task Force-6 Operations and at Joint Task Force-Bravo. As a Staff Sergeant and senior staff noncommissioned officer, he served in 2d Battalion, 6th Marines and deployed to Kosovo, and in support of Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. He was also a member of the Personnel Security Detail for Afghan President Hamid Karzai. As a Sergeant Major, he served as a recruiting station Sergeant Major, 1st Marines and Regimental Combat Team 1 Sergeant Major, 2d Marine Division Sergeant Major, II Marine Expeditionary Force Sergeant Major and as the Command Senior Enlisted Leader for United States Southern Command. His personal awards include: the Silver Star Medal, Legion of Merit with 1 gold star, Bronze Star Medal with 1 Gold Star and 1 Combat Distinguishing Device, Meritorious Service Medal with 1 Gold Star, Navy Marine Corps Commendation Medal with 1 Gold Star, Navy Marine Corps Achievement Medal with 1 Gold Star, and the Combat Action Ribbon with 3 Gold Stars. He has two children, Dakota and Tia, and is enjoying retirement in Maine.
SgtMaj Bryan Zickafoose
USMC (Ret)